Off The Hook - 6 February 2008
This is the synopsis of Off The Hook that aired on 6 February 2008.
It’s a fund raising week at WBAI, so Off The Hook is a little bit light on content, but they are big on giving you stuff for donating to the station. Be sure to tune in live next week because they often extend the fund raisers, so you might be able to pledge next week for different stuff. The premiums for this show are:
- $25 - Off The Hook t-shirt
- $40 - DMCA coffee mugs; one white on black, one black on white; for coffee only
- $75 - 2600 zippered hoodie; “2600” on front, “hacker” on back
- $125 - Lifetime subscription to Off The Hook DVDs (nearly 1000 hours of OTH)
Bernie S clarifies the rules regarding promotion of business on public radio; though one is allowed to speak well of a business, you cannot compare it to other business.
Redbird mentions the Intelius database, a background check service, which will give you a persons date of birth before you have to pay.
The group discusses London’s expansion of their automated congestion charging to tally high polluting vehicles as well.
Emmanuel plays a clip from a November 1999 show and discussion of the upcoming Year 2000 Problem. Emmanuel laments people who think that 1999 is the last year of the century or that 2000 is the first year of the new millennium. Micro controllers that control municipal functions are brought up, in particular the PDP-11s (not micro controllers) that control the release of sewage into the East River according to lunar cycles, which influence tides.