Ignoring Florida and Michigan Voters
Though I think the DNC’s goal of halting the ever-earlier progression of primaries is a righteous one, their execution of it is royally stupid. By stripping Florida and Michigan of their delegates, thereby marginalizing the voters in those states the DNC has made campaigning in the states during primary season worth very little. Indeed the democratic front runners all signed a pledge not to campaign in Florida in order to further shun the state for moving it’s primary election earlier. The candidates are missing a vital opportunity to court Florida voters and bring them to the democratic party. Sure, the nominee isn’t decided yet, but we know who the possibilities are; shouldn’t they be allowed to endear voters toward themselves?
As I said above, I do agree with the DNC goal of ceasing the one-up-manship that states are participating in, each trying to get their primary to be the first. Super Tuesday this year is during the first week in February, the same week that the New Hampshire primary was held in 2000. Primary season will be all but complete in 2008 at the time it was just beginning only 2 elections ago.