You're tuned into Perfecto Radio, New York City, Miami, Los Angeles
One of the rotating taglines in the subtitle of this website is the line that is the title of this post:
“You’re tuned into Perfecto Radio, New York City, Miami, Los Angeles”
A few weeks ago, I receive and email from someone wondering which Paul Oakenfold record it comes from, because my link simply pointed to the Wikipedia page for Perfecto Records; apparently my site is the only hit on Google when you search for that phrase. For the life of me, I couldn’t remember, nor was I able to find it in a cursory search of my Oakenfold albums, which I informed the questioner. I recently got a response and it turns out the line is at the beginning of the Chilled Eskimo’s Take Me Away on Oakenfold’s Perfecto Presents Another World. Now this answer is forever recorded on the internet for all to know.
Just listening to this album again and at the end of Tatoine’s Music a similar phrase is said, “You’re tuned into Perfecto Radio, Chicago, Detroit, Seattle.”